How to tell if your girlfriend is cheating on you (or about to)



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A buddy of mine recently caught his girlfriend making out with
another guy at a bar he was at. She was supposedly going
to spend that Friday night with her sister at home. Needless to
say he dumped her that minute and hasn’t spoken to her since.

After a few days he told me that he should have seen the warning
signs as they were really evident. He was just so in love with her
that he refused to pay attention to what the rest of his friends
have been trying to tell him all along.

So this post is dedicated to my bro and the cheating ho that used
him for the past 9 months of his life. Hopefully this will help some
other guy out there see the writing on the wall before it is too late.

CAVEAT: This is just a general guide. There are so many variables
out there in life that you should NOT take this guide to heart. Just
because your girlfriend gets a phone call from a strange guy you don’t
know does not necessarily mean she is setting up a booty call for later
that night. What if that phone call was her boss from work asking her
to email him the TPS reports she didn’t finish the day before?

1. Things just don’t add up.

When you are in love with someone, or at the very least infatuated,
you tend to overlook logic because you are swept up in emotion.
I read somewhere that scientists have likened the human mental
emotion of “love” to that of being drunk. If you have ever been in
love you know how powerful of a feeling it is. With that being said,
you need to keep one foot on the ground and eyes and ears open
at all times, even if you trust her implicitly. This is just good common

Let me put it another way:

If I walked up to your girlfriend right this minute and told her that if she
would dump you and never speak to you again, I would give her 1 million
dollars in small, unmarked bills. Honestly. Do you really and truly think
she would stay with you?

What if Brad Pitt (or whoever the latest Hollywood Heartthrob is nowadays)
met your chick in a bar and started hitting on her…..and asked her back to
your place? Guess who’s getting laid that night.

These are some very extreme examples, but it just goes to show that you cannot
implicitly and blindly trust someone to the point where you have your head up
your ass all of the time.

2. Checking out other guys in public

Ok, #1 pretty much summed it all up. You need to keep your eyes open
at all times. The remainder of these “signs” are a few traits that my buddy
noticed in his ex girlfriend. On more than one occasion when they were
both out in public, he noticed her checking out other guys…..not a sly
“checkout” like most women are able to do (and get away with) but rather
she was catching the eyes of the guy she was looking at and holding the

3. Mysterious cell phone calls

I’m probably going to get in a boatload of trouble for saying this….but
do you know every single guy/phone number that is on your girlfriend’s
cell phone? Yes, you should respect the privacy of the one you are
with ….blah blah blah……morals…..blah blah blah… Ok, are
we off our moral soapbox now? If you start to suspect anything, her
cell phone is one of the first places you can look. I would not advise
going this route unless you have mounting evidence that she is cheating
on you. This is the best way to confirm that suspicion. Check with
an attorney before you do it though…

4. Emails/Twitter/instant messenger/text messages

In this day and age there are so many ways to stay in contact with someone.
She could have joined an adult online dating service looking for love or she
actually could be a member of an online dating service. Without going on her
computer and going into her account, there really is no way of finding out.
What you can do, is take the first part of her email address and pop it into
Google and see what comes up.

eg: If her email address is “” then take the
“PinkFuzzyBunny82828″ part and run a Google search. Believe it or not, most
people re-use the same email address/screen name over and over again when
signing up for new online services. Think about how many online accounts she
must have…..Her Myspace account, her Facebook account, her twitter account.
And so on and so forth. Google is your friend. Learn how to use the various
operators when performing a Google search. It is a VERY powerful tool if used

5. Her friends

Women cannot keep a secret if they were rubbed down with super secret musk,
put in the middle of a field with a bunch of other horny no-secret tellers in the
middle of no-secret-telling mating season. I’m not trying to come off as sexist here,
but every single girl I have ever know could not keep from telling her girlfriends
whatever I told her. So use this to your advantage. If your girl is cheating on
you, one of the first people to know are usually her friends (or her sister). Learn
how to use social engineering to your advantage. Run a Google
search to find out just how to do it. The next time you are out with her friends,
chose your words carefully and you might get one of them to slip up.

If you aren’t currently on medication for a mental disorder and you still
got a funny feeling that “something just ‘aint right” with your girlfriend,
chances are you are right. Do what you need to do in order to confirm/deny
your suspicions so you can make a rational, intelligent decision as to
what to do next (DUMP HER). However, just because you think your
girl is screwing around on you does NOT give you the right to violate
her privacy and do illegal stuff. Be smart about how you go about
finding out the information that you are seeking.